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A Few Words About Our Mailing List...

When we send out emails. our list server gives recipients (YOU) a Star Rating of 1 through 5. It shows How Involved You Are, how often you Open our emails, Share them with your friends or Click on one of the links. 

When sending out emails, we prepare them by your Star Rating. If you have a 4 or 5 Star rating, our emails assume you are following along and we share familiar things.  1, 2 & 3 star recipients get announcements & introductory type emails keeping you informed but with less personal involvement. We will remove 1 Star recipients from our list when they continually fail to open emails. That's best for everybody.

Our website allows for subscribers to pay a fee for Special Privileges like discounts on purchases and "Behind the Scenes" access and the like. We don't have subscriptions setup right now, but IF we ever do that, it is safe to say that a Long Term 5 Star Rating on our email list just might get you Subscriber Status even without the fee. Just Saying...

We value having engaged, thoughtful people like you helping to spread the word. 

THE BOTTOM LINE... Protect your 5 Star Rating at eddieandfrank.com... Open, Share and Click on our emails often. 


Send us your thoughts at any of the feedback spots scattered throughout our website.  They help tremendously. It may not get you through the Pearly Gates, but it just might get your email on a Post-It Note, stuck on the "Special People Wall" next to our computer.

Even tremendously talented and successful Super Stars can need moral support from time to time. 

So do we.

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